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4 tree(s) planted in memory of Glen Turner
Shevahn Higelin
purchased flowers for the family of Glen Turner . Send Flowers
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Rachelle & Family planted a tree in memory of Glen Turner
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Its heartwarming to hear all the special memories Wyatt has with his grandpa. Going to Dennys or collecting huge rocks at the beach together. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Judy Higelin Giudice planted a tree in memory of Glen Turner
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Our hearts are full of love for your family in this time of sadness. May this tree bring you solace and peace. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Shevahn Higelin purchased flowers
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Glen was like a second dad to me growing up, always putting a smile on my face with his quick wit! He will be missed dearly but never forgotten.
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Pamela Hickson posted a condolence
Sunday, May 14, 2023
As a former sister-in-law of Glen, I have some good memories to share.
Glen had a special wit about himself. He liked to tease me about my Boston accent since he had lived in California for some time and his accent was no longer evident. He was funny, definitely sarcastic and fun!
On one of my first trips to California in 1985, Glen was working on the set of Hollywood Beat, a crime drama. He took me on set to meet some of the cast. One actor I I met was Jack Scalia. I even had my picture taken with him. A cool and memorable day for me.
On another visit Glen took me to Mt. Waterman, my first time skiing. He was showing me how to get onto the chairlift, instead I ended up face first in the snow with one ski flying off my foot. Glen retold that story many times, always followed by the biggest laugh. At the time it didn’t seem so funny, but more than 30 years later it still cracks me up.
One visit landed both of us at Knotts Berry Farm on a giant roller coaster. I was petrified; not Glen. Again, that laugh!
Glen had the gift of laughter and he shared it with many, including me. I know his big presence will be missed. May he rest in peace.
Steve Sanders posted a condolence
Friday, May 12, 2023
I was a regular pick-up basketball player at the Crescenta-Canada YMCA 30+ years ago when I met Glen, and haven't seen him in several decades. As many have shared, Glen was hard not to notice. He was smart, sarcastic, and hard-nosed, but once you became someone he liked, he was a person you would look forward to seeing each night. I remember his stories about Syracuse football, and being a fan of Massachusetts teams. An unforgettable guy all these years later, blessings to his family, and may all of the great memories bring comfort.
Leslie Bandayrel posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, May 11, 2023

I regret that I didn't know Glen well but just hearing about the stories his daughter, Rachel, would share about him when we were in high school made me realize where Rachel's witty sense of humor came from, which is one of my favorite qualities about her. I know how much he loved his family and was always around for Rachel's involvement in various sports. You just knew he was so proud of her. He was gone much too soon, and I know his presence will be sorely missed. My deepest condolences to the Turner family.
Mary Cepeda posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
I remember sitting in the backseat of Glen’s car with Rachel in the passenger seat and us just cracking up at Glen’s jokes in high school. We had just finished watching Rachel’s softball game and they were taking me home. Glen was Rachel’s biggest fan when it came to sports and her school activities. He was there always cheering her on and coaching her on the side. Her wins were his wins. I know it brought him so much joy to see her play and I saw how proud he was when she would win. I remember he would say “atta girl!” “That’s my girl!”That shows how much love he has for Rachel. He will be missed by not just Rachel, but the rest of his family and grandson as well. He was the light of the room and everyone took well notice of his big unique personality. He will be always remembered for that and his witty humor.
Amanda Metz posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Glen was such a large part of my high school experience. By being Rachel's friend, I had the joy and privilege of knowing her wonderful father. He had an infectious personality. His humor helped with many situations. I remember doubling over laughing at the jokes he made, and the way he told stories. What stood out the most to me was the love he had for his children. It was so evident. He coached their sport teams, had them practice extra, showed up to events, and made it known he was around to support them. I was the manager of the softball team senior year, and he never missed a game. He was passionate and vocal because he cared deeply. My dad wasn't present, but seeing a father figure like Glen who wanted to be a part of his daughter's life was so important for me to see and made a great impact. During a time when it felt like not many people cared about me, I knew Glen did. He would ask about me and check in. I am truly grateful to have known him, and he will be deeply missed by myself and many others.
Shanelle, Mila & Simon Brown planted a tree in memory of Glen Turner
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Glen, You were the best dad to Rachel. Thank you for the best holy family parking lot memories. You will be missed! Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Matthew Ortiz posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Q: What will you never forget about Glen?
A: I can’t help but always think of how proud he was of his family. No matter what he would be talking about his kids. They sat atop of his list of favorite things, yes even above Tom Brady.
I will never forget his passion for the family and his sports! I really appreciated his knowledge of the most random Sports facts, and his history knowledge. Especially when those two times were crossover, he was an extreme BUFF. I’ll never forget Ted Williams frozen head in AZ.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Glen Turner
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Crippen Mortuary Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Glen Alan Turner uploaded a photo
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

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Shanelle Agito posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
You’re the best dad to Rachel.
You will be missed, thank you for raising an amazing woman!